
I'm Sean. Welcome to my personal website and blog. You can see my latest articles below. If you have any questions/feedback/corrections please let me know at sean.firstcloud [at] gmail.com, thanks!


ようこそ、齊藤初雲(しょうん)と申します。本サイトをご覧頂き有難うございます。 以下が最新の記事です。ご質問・フィードバック・訂正がある際はsean.firstcloud [at] gmail.com までお問合せください。


Contributing to the SAP Australian User Group Opinion Column

My friend and former colleague David, who manages communications and all things media for the SAP Australian User Group, invited me to share my thoughts on applying data science to industrial use cases.

Predicting football outcomes with PyStan

A first look at practical Bayesian data analysis; using PyStan, we attempt to predict the outcomes of football matches.

Optimal Two-Sum

An homage to a classic Tensorflow tutorial.

Making explainability algorithms more robust with GANs

Explainability algorithms like LIME can be fooled into thinking that machine learning models which show biased, harmful behavior are instead innocuous. We attempt to improve LIME robustness to defend against these attacks.

What happens when we mask out the "unimportant" parts of an image?

Integrated Gradients determines which pixels are important for the prediction of a deep neural network. When we keep only the most important regions of an image based on these attributions, can the model still perform well?